ExoSkeleton Innovations

Empowering Athletes Through Transformative Training


This project involved collaborating with HatchBridge, a small business incubator, to design and develop a new website for ExoSkeleton Innovations (ESI). ESI is a company at the forefront of athletic exoskeleton technology, but their existing website did not reflect their innovative approach. Through this project, ESI gained a website that serves as a professional platform to connect with athletes and establish themselves as a leader in the sports science industry. ExoSkeleton Innovations (ESI), a leader in athletic exoskeleton technology, lacked a website that reflected their innovative spirit. Their existing site was uninviting and failed to effectively communicate the potential of their flagship product.


ExoSkeleton Innovations is working on the cutting edge of sports health science, designing tools to optimize athletic performance and reduce injury risk. However, their existing website failed to capture this innovation. ESI's website essentially acted as a missed opportunity. It failed to effectively connect with their target audience and showcase their revolutionary product. This presented a crucial challenge that needed to be addressed.


To address the challenges faced by ExoSkeleton Innovations (ESI), a collaborative website redesign project was undertaken. The website received a complete visual overhaul. A sleek, modern aesthetic was implemented, reflecting the cutting-edge nature of ESI's technology and aligning with the expectations of today's tech-savvy athletes. The website now effectively explains how the exoskeleton optimizes performance by enhancing strength, speed, and power through personalized resistance training. The revamped website empowers ESI to effectively connect with athletes, establish them as a frontrunner in their field, and ultimately drive sales of their revolutionary products.


Interaction Design

User Research

Content Design







1 Week


1 Product Designer

1 Content Designer

1 Product Manager


Rapid website development with Webflow: concept to interactive prototype in a week.

Day 0

Project kickoff and stakeholder interview

Day 1 - 2

Defined the Look & Feel (Style Guide)

Established the visual foundation for the website.

Day 2 - 3

Wireframing the Blueprint

Created low-fidelity wireframes to structure the user flow.

Day 3 - 4

High-Fidelity Prototype in Figma

Developed a polished, interactive prototype for user testing.

Day 4

User Testing & Iteration

Gathered valuable feedback from users to refine the design.

Day 5 - 6

Building the Prototype in Webflow

Translated the design into a functional Webflow prototype.